Abstract: AI tools can increase efficiency

Practical Uses For AI In the Public Sector – White Paper

How Artificial Intelligence tools can support digital transformation in the public sector
Ravi Jackson

Public Sector Business Consultant

Ravi Jackson

March 30, 2021

Digital transformation projects are accelerating. Many are adopting Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools to increase operational efficiencies and improve user experience. Taking the lead from the private sector, AI is increasingly being adopted by public sector agencies to make service delivery more efficient and information easier to process and access.

Still, the questions remain. Are AI tools as pervasive as the hype would have us believe, and are public sector agencies being left behind? Or is it true that we haven’t yet figured out how to use AI very effectively?

In this paper, we will explore what these AI tools can do, and how organizations can use them to improve outcomes.

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Practical Uses For AI In the Public Sector


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