Supporting the classroom and beyond.
The education landscape is continually changing, from the way students learn, to how teachers share ideas with each other to improve the learning experience. We help leaders in education explore new ways to leverage technology that encourages students and educators to make better choices and improve outcomes.
Core Capabilities

Primary Schools
Online opportunities for elementary education include learning libraries of project-based experiences and modules that are self-paced and offer variety and choice in activities and topics. Tools allow teachers and students to collaborate to create unique learnings experiences.
Secondary Schools
Online hubs for high school students and teachers are designed to engage innovation in education with a library of curriculum resources, professional learning modules, and tools for collaboration. Educators share and develop creative solutions to learning challenges and drive stronger outcomes.

Higher Education
Higher education portals help web visitors and registered users to navigate postsecondary school selection of colleges, universities, and associate degrees and find ways to pay for education in order to make informed decisions to reach educational and career goals.
Finding the Right Place to Learn
Sometimes the only thing holding someone back from a good education is knowing where to look. See how the Office of Higher Education points Minnesotans in the right direction.