Our portfolio of digital applications for government.

GovWebworks provides the following public sector agencies with custom software and digital applications. Focus areas in our work include tools for benefits and assistance, children and family support, and workforce development. We also build custom software for citizen engagement in education, transportation, health services, employment and economic development, and more.

Sort Projects by Solution, State, or Sector:

Maine Department of Labor
Work Source Maine Virtual CareerCenter
Maine Natural Resource Conservation Program
Nature Conservancy Resource Portal
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife usability report on a laptop
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
Fish and Wildlife Usability Study
Colorado Fisheries Application on a laptop
Colorado Parks and Wildlife
Colorado Fisheries Application
Missouri Department of Conservation photo of students with magnifying glass
Missouri Department of Conservation
Drupal Conservation Portals
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks website on mobile phone
Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
Mississippi Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Portal
Assorted fruits and vegetables on display in a farmers market
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Live Better Idaho Resource Portal
Colorado Judicial Branch site on a laptop
Colorado Judicial Branch
Judicial Branch Drupal Redesign
Baby's ear
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Sound Beginnings Mobile App
CapNexus on a mobile phone
Partners for the Common Good
CapNexus Drupal Redesign
Maryland Health Care Commission usability study
Maryland Health Care Commission
Health Care Usability Redesign
Highway with yellow lines
North Dakota Department of Transportation
Department of Transportation Website Uplift
Child and Parent
211 Maine - United Ways of Maine
Online Service Directory Enhancements
Parent hand sanitizer
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
StrengthenME Resource Portal
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare mobile view
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
State Agency Website Modernization
Idaho's Covid-19 Vaccine Pre-Registration System
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Covid-19 Vaccine Pre-Registration System
Caltrans Rebuilding California
Rebuilding California Homepage Redesign
A diverse audience of adults smiling at a presenter out of shot
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
CareerForce Workforce Development Portal
Maryland Courts
Maryland Judiciary
Usability Study and Recommendations
Teachers and students in an outdoor environment.
Maine Department of Education
EnGiNE Collaboration Hub
An arial view of a highway interchange in Missouri
Missouri Department of Transportation
Transportation Consolidation and Modernization
Multnomah County Sheriff's Office site on a tablet
Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office
Law Enforcement Website Uplift
Idaho's Partner Data Access Portal (PDAP) on a screen
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Partner Data Access Portal Update
Center for the New Energy Economy
Technology Stack Modernization
Missouri Department of Conservation hunting
Missouri Department of Conservation
Drupal Redesign and Migration
Florida Sun Pass
Florida Turnpike Enterprise
Florida SunPass Discovery and Design
Colorado mountains in snow
Colorado Avalanche Information Center
Public Safety Information Portal
WA Cares portal page
WA Cares Fund
Long-Term Care Portal
Maine Department of Education
MOOSE Online Education Platform
Maine scene with water and boat near land
Finance Authority of Maine
Economic Development Portal
North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services Website
North Dakota Health and Human Services
State Agency Website Uplift
MyHigherEd - High school students
Minnesota Office of Higher Education
MyHigherEd Resource Portal
CareerForce Assistant Chatbot
Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
CareerForce Assistant Chatbot
SC-RFA site on a laptop
South Carolina Revenue and Fiscal Affairs Office
Agency Portal Modernization
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Child Support Enforcement System Modernization
Agile Training Class
California DMV
California DMV Digital Transformation
Department Vermont of Health Access
Integrated Eligibility Application
A career counsellor explaining the details of a document to a job seeker
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Employment and Training System
Typing on a laptop
Maine Court System
ADRIS Case Management System
The Washington Health Plan Finder website being viewed on a laptop
Washington Health Benefits Exchange
Health Exchange Enhancements
The Washington Department of Social and Health Services website being accessed on a computer tablet
Washington Department of Social and Health Services
DSHS Website Redevelopment
Two young boys playing in a pool
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Integrated Benefits Eligibility
The Vermont Judiciary website viewed on a smartphone
Vermont Judiciary
Judicial Web Modernization
Missouri Department of Conservation website
Missouri Department of Conservation
MDC Website Redevelopment
The You Are Prevention mobile application being accessed from a smartphone
UNE Center for Excellence in Health Innovation
You Are Prevention Resource Portal
New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services
Opioid Response Portal
Statue of Lady Justice
Maine Department of Health and Human Services
Drug Treatment Court Case Management
A view of Washington State capitol
Washington Public Disclosure Commission
Public Access Portal
Columns of a courthouse with the US flag
Maine Judicial Branch
Judicial Information System
Iowa State Capitol building
Iowa Department of Administrative Services
DAS Website Modernization
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
MASSCEC Web Modernization
Colorado Police Cruiser
Colorado Judicial Department
Security Grant Management System
Parents and a child splashing in the waves
Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner
Insurance Website Migration
A close up of a child's hands, playing with building blocks
Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Childcare Incident Tracker
A person using their phone while grocery shopping
Iowa Department of Education
CACFP Shopper App